Jul 2, 2009

The Storm: Part Two

Previous: Part One

Chris was still feeling a little sleepy as he trudged into the living room with a beer can in one hand and the universal remote in the other. He switched on the AC and slumped in the sofa. He took a sip and shuffled the newspapers on the coffee table. The room was dark. So he pressed another button and the drapes parted and the mid-day sun burst into the room through the glass wall.

Chris sipped on his beer can as he leaned forward and turned to the sports page. Wimbledon was on. There was a match tonight. Nadal vs. Federer. The most important match of the season probably.

Man, it’s awfully quiet here!

He switched on the TV and kept on reading about the details of the match.

The news was on.

"The Met department says that the sudden depression created near the coast is quite unexpected. It would mean that monsoon would arrive early this year. The depression is not yet so strong as to suggest any upcoming storm. But the department does say some light drizzle might be on the cards for the next 48 hours."

Chris put down the paper and stood up. The can was empty. He crushed it, turned and threw it at the dustbin at one corner of the room. The can hit the dustbin and fell on the floor with a clank.

Shucks! Whatever. The maid will clean it up.

"The formation is quite sudden," the Met department official was saying. "We cannot actually predict its intensity as yet but we are certain that it won't build up very fast. It might as well take a few more weeks for it to strengthen into a cyclone or anything of that force."

Yawning, Chris traipsed towards the huge glass wall. The sun rays hit his face as he neared. He stood there and looked down. Twenty-five stories down, the Sunday traffic was busy as usual and hot fumes seemed to rise up from the chaos. The city seemed to pant. He wished for the monsoon to come quick.

He made his way back to the sofa and jumped on it. He reached for the universal remote, turned off the television and switched on the music player. And the room boomed with loud rock music. He closed his eyes and sighed. He felt relaxed.

Chris was the son of the renowned Daryl Stein, one of the richest businessmen of the city, the CEO of Stein Construction. As a result he had gained popularity in the college as the "spoilt rich kid".

And he did live up to the expectations. Parties, girls, adventure sports; that was his life. Apart from this, Chris also was passionate about electronic gadgets. Thanks to his dad, he made sure that he had all the latest gadgets in his hand as soon as they were launched.

But, even though he would never admit, he had a soft side. And only his close friends knew about it. Chris was especially very careful whom he picked as friends. He socialized a lot but they were just acquaintances and hence his approach was superficial. But to his close friends he was just another sensitive guy.

Chris’ cell phone suddenly rang. Chris let out a groan and turned down the volume of the music. He picked up the cell and saw the number. It was his girlfriend.

“Hey babe.”

“Are you still at home?” Katy sounded pissed.

“Yes?” Chris answered warily, uncertain.

“YES? GOD! Chris, I’m gonna kill you if you don’t get your ass here right now!”

Chris fell silent. Here? Where the hell is she?

“What happened? Have you gone dumb? COME HERE IMMEDIATELY!”

Goddammit! Think think! Where was I supposed to be? Coffee house? Mall?

“You’ve forgotten, haven’t you?” Katy’s voice dropped dangerously.

“No, no. I remember. I’m coming there right now. You wait there, okay babe? I’ll be right over.”

“You better be.” And the line went dead.

Man, I’m so dead!

Next: Part Three


Roopam Choudhury said...

Nice build up to the story. Seems Chris is in for a real BAD time from his girl! :-P

Yashodhara Trivedi said...

Hahahaha.Poor Chris.

Sunny Rockzzs said...

nice!! ... waitng for part three.... Chris lookout for trouble!! :P