Feb 8, 2011

The Story of a Hero

A poem dedicated to my grandfather, who was a freedom fighter for Bangladesh.

It had been long, since someone came along;
But certain was the change, and fate was yet to arrange;
A hero to valiantly fight, the eternal war for the right;
And then he arrived in the darkest hour, a nation finally had another saviour;

But being a hero has its price, a price he paid in sacrifice;
Sacrifices unknown, peace forlorn, hearts torn, but a vision strong;
Who did know how freedom's passion, could overshadow family for nation;
And it was never a compulsion, but a choice for one's own people's salvation;

He fought and battled his way through, with enemies more and allies few;
But never did he tire or rest, until he had given his best;
It was tough, it was rough, but he always felt, it wasn't enough;
He never gave up the fight for the youth, and never did he stop respecting the truth;

And as the moon rose up and the sun went down, the battle was over and victory was won;
He laid his shield still sword in hand, on one knee he kissed his land;
Now he could lay down for a bit, and look up at a calm sky starlit;
He closed his eyes never to rise, his motherland embraced him to a salvific demise.

Picture - By Debopriya Danda

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