Feb 8, 2011

The Storm: Part Five

Previous: Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four

The trees began to sway as a light drizzle took over the dark city. People started scurrying off to safety waiting for a cab to show up. Generally the traffic remained heavy all throughout the night. But even the traffic had gone scarce not because it was late but because of the impending cyclone.

Sam pushed through the chilly wind which had gained some speed. He silently debated whether he should go back to his apartment or not. But the park became visible and he instantly rejected the idea of returning.

The park was situated in heart of the suburb surrounded by tall worn-down buildings all around. This was one of the few places in the city where one could see plant life. The area wasn't very big compared to the parks in the main city but it was big enough to get some privacy at any time.

There were benches strewn all over the place. Some hidden under trees, some out in the open, some around the fountain but most lining the unpaved walkway. The thing that Sam found most remarkable about the park was the freshness of the trees. They always looked too green. Sam wondered whether it was the soil or the weather because it was definitely not the pollution.

Sam walked silently into the park and suddenly the yelling of the wind ceased. It was taken over by the spooky rustling of the trees. But it didn't spook Sam anymore. It had become quite common for him now. Sam walked slowly along the walkway nearing the central fountain. He chose a cozy bench beneath a huge tree in front of the small lake, placed his bag by his side and slumped down on the seat.

He rested his head against the backrest and closed his eyes. He loved the deafening silence.

All of a sudden, a loud bang echoed through the park. Sam sat up straight, bewildered. It seemed like a gunshot.

As soon as he stood up, he heard running footsteps in the vicinity. He couldn’t actually locate the exact direction but it seemed to come from his right. Without thinking, he ran towards the footsteps.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, a gigantic figure barged into Sam and knocked him over. The man, or so he seemed, lost his balance but regained it as promptly as he had lost it, and before Sam could recover from his daze and take a look at him, the giant had run away into the nearby woods.

Sam lay there on the grass for sometime before he could get up, and when he did, he didn’t know what to do next, whether to chase the escapee or to look for the victim. The man had appeared too big for him handle on his own, so he hurried towards the direction from where the guy had come.

His eyes searched furtively around as he paced across the wooded area. Not a being could be seen or heard.

Finally he came to a clearing among the trees. And there in the middle lay a figure smeared in blood.

Sam hastened towards the body.

It was a girl. And the blood wasn’t hers.


Next: Part Six