May 18, 2008

My First Novel: Chapter 3

Previous: Chapter 1 Chapter 2


I cycled up the road to the hill. The road was unpaved and lined on both sides by grass, which danced with the wind blown by my revolving cycle tires. A big school was situated near the edge of the hill. Its big, brown, wooden gate was locked with a large, rusty lock. The school was so big that it looked like a palace, with a big field and a majestic oak tree in the middle. That was all I was able to see by peeping in through the gap between the gates. This was where I was going to study after the summer holidays.

I cycled past the school where the road slowly disappeared into a sea of grass. I found myself in the middle of a huge meadow. Cycling was tiring and the scorching sun made the conditions worse. I looked around for shade. The hill rose up but the slope was gradual, which gave the meadow a flat field like appearance. I was surrounded all around by grass. A line of coniferous forests marked the far horizon of the hill. There were two-three pines growing in the open far away. Only one tree was near me - a stout, shady oak tree. So I pedaled towards the tree, laid my bicycle on the grass and stretched myself under the tree.

The morning sun and its rays were ruling the sky overhead. Not a cloud was in sight though it was cloudy last night. Some eagles dotted the bright blue sky, flying in circles. It was a breezy day. The leaves of the tree rustled in the breeze. The green grass, covering the rest of the hill with some blooming asters here and there lost in the grass, moved along with the wind like calm waves in a calm sea. The hill lingered with the smell of sunshine.

The surrounding hills formed a beautiful scenery. They were also covered with a coat of green grass dotted with small patches of woods hither and thither. Some parts had huge farms and small villages could be seen lining them. The farms gave a checkered appearance to the hills. Spruces masked the summits. Far away a high mountain range could be seen which I hadn’t noticed last night. The sunlight fell on it and made the snow-capped peaks flash now and then like fire.

Down below I could see the dark valley covered with coniferous and deciduous trees. A small lake could also be seen in the heart of the valley. Along one edge of the valley flowed the river, which originated from one of the nearby hills and flowed down its slope as a lovely waterfall. The other end was lost in the foliage. How beautiful it all was!

I lay there looking blankly up at the endless sky reigned over by the sun. I was tired. I didn’t realise when I fell asleep.

I was woken up by a bird, singing, hidden between the leaves of the tree above me. I was unaware of the time, as I had forgotten to bring my watch. But the position of the sun told me that it was nearly noon. I decided to go home. So I picked up my bicycle, which was hot by being in the sun for a long time, and pedaled homeward.

Next: Chapter 4

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